Books Written by Janie Bolitho

Here you will find a complete listing of all the books written by the author Janie Bolitho. We will keep this listing in this form to make it easier to print and take to the library if you can find them.

Ian Roper Series
1. Kindness Can Kill (1993)
2. Motive for Murder (1994)
3. Ripe for Revenge (1994)
4. Dangerous Deceit (1995)
5. Wound for Wound (1995)
6. Finger of Fate (1996)
7. Sequence of Shame (1996)
8. Absence of Angels (1997)
9. Exposure of Evil (1998)
10. Victims of Violence (1999)
11. Baptised in Blood (2000)
12. Lessons in Logic (2002)

Rose Trevelyan
1. Snapped in Cornwall (1997)
2. Framed in Cornwall (1998)
3. Buried in Cornwall (1999)
4. Betrayed in Cornwall (2000)
5. Plotted in Cornwall (2001)
6. Killed in Cornwall (2002)
7. Caught Out in Cornwall (2003)
The Cornish Novels (omnibus) (2003)

Other Novels
Sweets for My Sweet (1996)
Saving Grace (2001)
The Slaughterhouse (2002)
Paying the Price (2003)
Full Circle (2003)

Dangerous Games published in 1997

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