Full Circle

Full Circle is the last stand-alone novel written by Janie Bolitho and published August 1, 2003.

An engaging novel of modern life and love, from a bestselling crime-writer Helen Allbright lives a charmed life. Married to a successful and handsome doctor, with three (mostly) delightful teenage children, she is the envy of her friends – even those who’ve never quite understood what Mark sees in her. Donna Greene’s life is very different. Brought up by a single mother on a tough housing-estate, she has no education and only one ambition – to marry a rich man, whatever it takes. One day Helen receives a phone-call that throws her world into disarray, and shatters the illusion of married bliss. After the initial shock has subsided she sets about rebuilding her life – and, in a bizarre twist of fate, it is Donna who will help her to do so…

Cast of Characters

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