The New Year is Coming – Welcome 2025

The New Year is Coming - Welcome 2025

For the fans of Janie Bolitho I have dug up a newspaper article where she tells about her writing process and a little bit about her days. We hope you enjoy it. – Happy New Year – 2025

Author Janie Bolitho

From the Evening Herald April 3, 1999. (Plymouth, Devon, England)
Prolific author Janie Bolitho’s latest book, Buried in Cornwall, is her 11th whodunit.
The former psychiatric nurse also writes psychological thrillers under the name Jodie Sinclair.
Janie, 49, is married to Jim Parsons, a solicitor, and they divide their time between Plymouths and Newlyn.

Writer Janie read the book every day

I don’t sleep much at all. I usually wake by 3:00 AM and start work straight away without breakfast.

If my husband is away, I’ll work the whole weekend. If he’s here, we’ll watch some football or some rugby. With the football it’s Plymouth Parkway — sponsor the team. If it’s rugby, it’s more or less anybody we can get to by bus and train because we don’t have a car.

We tend to go to the cinema most weekends. If we’re in Cornwall, there’s a local film society which we’ll go to.

I like more or less anything apart from the American car chase type things. I use to hate those foreign films with the subtitles that films societies get, but now I enjoy them too.

I review books for a crime magazine, Shots on the Page, and I read a lot for myself too.

Each week I’ll have the latest crime novels from the library to keep abreast of how things are changing, a biography, and then usually 3 or 4 mainstream novels.

I’m a very quick reader so I usually get through one a day, although they’re not huge, most of them are only around 200 pages.

When I’m working, I don’t eat much during the day, just lots of fruit. Then I have my main meal at 8:00 or 9:00 PM. If I’m up at 3:00 AM the next day I’m not hungry and I don’t need any breakfast.

I treat my writing as a job and keep at it. If it’s rubbish, it’s best to forget it and get out and go for a walk.

I generally work on two or three books at once. If I’m stalled on book A, I change to book B and carry on with that.

I’ve got Victims of Violence, one of DCI Roper series, coming out in June and I’m working on reorganizing another, Saving Grace.

I’m also working on one set in Plymouth and the Tamar Valley, called the Slaughterhouse. I always have to have a name before I can start, even though the name is often changed.

When I’m not working, I like to watch birds — not in real depth, I’m not a twitcher — especially the waders on the rivers and estuaries, because they stand still and they’re easy to identify.

Occasionally we’re away at the weekend and go up to Weston-super-Mare. We babysit my grandson so my son and daughter-in-law can go out.
One thing I always do when I have a break is leave what I’m writing mid-sentence, especially if it’s a fast-paced section. That way it’s so much easier to continue.

May the Coming Year be Much Better Than the Previous Year

For all the fans of author Janie Bolitho and even those of her alter ego, Jodie Sinclair, If you have a story to share about the author, have newspaper clippings or even some fan fiction or fan art from her various series and characters get in touch and lets get them feature in a post – CLICK HERE

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Check out my other fan sites for author Sandra West Prowell. Dorothy Gilman and Barbara Comfort.

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