Fan questions for the group we received this past month. We thought it would be better to post in the blog so that all the fans of Janie Bolitho could help answer the questions. Below are three emails from two different fans that could use some help answering:
Subject: Ian Roper Series
January 27, 2017 at 9:35 pm
Hi. I am looking to buy the novels from the Ian Roper series either new or second hand. I have picked up 4 of them for a reasonable price second hand on ebay. I was just wondering if you or your members have any of them for sale. I was also wondering if this series should be read in the order they were written, or are they each just separate stories solved by detective Ian Roper? Thank you.
Subject: Ian Roper series availability
January 25, 2017 at 6:20 am
Hi. My mother has just finished reading the Rose Trevelyan series which she thoroughly enjoyed. She is now wanting to read the Ian Roper series. I am finding it extremely difficult to find the Ian Roper series new, even though the Rose Trevelyan series can be found just about anywhere. Is there a reason for this as far as you know? Apart from Amazon, do you know of anywhere I might find the Ian Roper series new? I am in Melbourne, Australia. Thanks.
Thank you Julie for your two emails. We have posted your questions here so that all of our fellow fans may be able to answer you more accurately than I. Good luck on your search. I know that the Ian Roper series is no longer available anywhere in our local libraries anymore and are very hard to obtain on Amazon. Too bad her family couldn’t petition her former publishers to re-publish all of her stories in eBook format that all of us around the world could get copies.
Wendy Holland
Subject: Rena George
January 23, 2017 at 3:23 pm
Dear Janie Bolitho Fansite, Janie Bolitho is my favourite author and I own all seven of her Rose Trevelyan books. I’ve just started reading the Loveday Ross Cornish Mysteries by Rena George and discover they are a pastiche of the Janie Bolitho series. Do you know if Rena George has openly expressed where her inspiration came from or if it is mere coincidence? Thank you very much. Best wishes, Wendy
Thanks so much Wendy for your email. I haven’t read any of Rena George’s stories but you might want to contact her directly with your question. Her website has a Contact information page: http://renageorge.com/index.php/contact/
If you can help answer the questions above use our CONTACT US form and we will post the answers in our next blog post. If you are a subscriber to this blog you should be able to post your answers in the comments section below. Yes, we would also love to receive some fan fiction stories about any of the characters in the Janie Bolitho story lines. So get writing people and start sharing!
Till next time.