Happy New Year and Buy More Books

Happy New Year and Buy More Books

Happy New Year everyone and we hope you will buy more books in 2021 than you did in 2020. Reading is one activity that doesn’t require you to go anywhere or do anything special. For those who like to feel of a regular book, we…

Tour of Cornwall

A Tour of Cornwall would be extremely lovely I think. I was cruising the web wondering what I should blog about and came across the Visit Cornwall promotional website. We have all read about the Cornwall in Rose Trevelyan’s universe and I was wondering if…

New Changes to Website

Good evening fellow fans of a great writer, Janie Bolitho. There have been some changes to Amazon’s bookstore function in that they are no longer supporting it. We have deleted the page and updated the entire website with new links for each of the books….

Fan Questions For the Group

Fan questions for the group we received this past month. We thought it would be better to post in the blog so that all the fans of Janie Bolitho could help answer the questions. Below are three emails from two different fans that could use…

Buy Rose Trevelyan Series in Ebook Format

We can now buy the whole Rose Trevelyan Series in an eBook format available on Amazon Kindle. Can’t wait for my local library to get their copies. Sadly, the Ian Roper series is not available yet nor any of her stand-alone novels. We will just…