Still No eBook Versions for Ian Roper Series

We still haven’t been able to find an eBook version of the Ian Roper Series. Since we haven’t been able to find our favorite writer’s Rose Trevelyn paperback books in any of our local libraries in many years it is highly unlikely this series will…

Tour of Cornwall

A Tour of Cornwall would be extremely lovely I think. I was cruising the web wondering what I should blog about and came across the Visit Cornwall promotional website. We have all read about the Cornwall in Rose Trevelyan’s universe and I was wondering if…

New Changes to Website

Good evening fellow fans of a great writer, Janie Bolitho. There have been some changes to Amazon’s bookstore function in that they are no longer supporting it. We have deleted the page and updated the entire website with new links for each of the books….

New Fan Mail May 2017

We have had a couple letters from some of our fellow Janie Bolitho Fans using our CONTACT US form that I thought I would share with the class today. We love to receive emails from some fellow fans of our favorite author and hope to…

Fan Questions For the Group

Fan questions for the group we received this past month. We thought it would be better to post in the blog so that all the fans of Janie Bolitho could help answer the questions. Below are three emails from two different fans that could use…